So, I went to the thrift store. Again. I desperately needed a pair of jeans that fit me! Ok, not desperately, but none of my jeans really fit me anymore, which is a good problem to have, but was getting annoying. So off I went to Salvation Army.
I tried on tons of jeans, and only 2 pairs fit. Jeans shopping is always like pulling teeth for me, even at regular stores. But I really like the ones I found. They fit me well, they look nice, and they were cheaper than the other pair that I was considering. $7.99 isn't bad for a pair of good jeans. :)
Now, before you freak out about the hideous garment above, I am not going to wear it as is! *shudder* It's a horrid jumpsuit with shoulder pads and everything. But it was the color of the day, so for $2, I thought I'd do an experiment and turn it into something much less hideous. But that's a post for another day. Hint, hint. ;)
I also found this lovely cup and saucer! It feels like a mug and looks like a tea cup. And it's red! It was $3, and cheap-o that I am, I almost didn't get it, but I'm glad I did. It's been fun to drink tea and coffee out of something cute, and the plate is the perfect size for a snack.
I also got a book of optical illusions for $1. Always fun. Makes your eyes a little buggy, though. :)
Oh, and the shirt I'm wearing in the picture above will make an official debut soon, as well.
Have you found anything awesome at a thrift store lately?

Are those Hydraulics? (or how every you spell that haha) I used to have a pair of those...actually still have them and am getting ready to refashion them to a skirt!...and LOVED them because they were SO comfy!
Blue Eyed Beauty Blog
Actually, yeah, they are! I'm glad to hear that it's a good brand, because I admit I'd never heard of them before. :)
Oh yeah they're awesome! I loved mine...I actually JUST finished refashioning the jeans I was talking about in the previous comment into the skirt. It's super comfy! I think the jeans are mainly sold at Maurices stores. I might have seen them at JC Penny's too, but I'm not as sure on that. They're nice jeans. :)
Blue Eyed Beauty Blog
P.S. Here's the photo link..It's gonna be awhile before I can get the tutorial up though:
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