Are you familiar with Operation Christmas Child? If not, let me tell you about it. It's a wonderful organization that works to send shoeboxes full of Christmas gifts to impoverished children around the world. These boxes are typically filled with things like toothbrushes, socks, candy, small toys, soap, pencils, ect. While it may not seem like much to us, it means the world to the kids who recieve them. I've read stories of how the specific needs or wants of a specific child have been met by one of these boxes. And not only to the kids recieve a box full of much-needed items, but they also recieve the Gospel message, the greatest gift of all.
Personally, I've packed a few of these gift boxes in my life, working with my youth group to send out a bunch of shoe boxes. (One of the girls wrote a letter to put in her box, and recieved a reply back from the child who recieved it!) It was a lot of fun working together to bless children with Christmas gifts. Well, I can't go to my high school youth group anymore, but I still want to participate this year. So I'll be going out and buying gifts to fill a box or two this next week. And I had an idea! I decided that I am going to handmake some of the things that I will fill my box with. It's always special to recieve something that's been made just for you, so I want to do that for the child who will get my shoebox.
Warm hats (crochet pattern here) are pretty much always a good gift. They're easy to crochet (or knit, if you knit) and can be customized for a girl or a boy of any age.

These fabric hair bows are adorable for little girls. And big girls too! They're super fast and easy. I actually made a few of these this afternoon, but my method was a tiny bit different. I may have a post for you about it sometime soon once I perfect my technique. :)

I may even whip up a quick skirt or two.
I hope I've inspired you to make a shoebox of your own. Even if you only fill it with store-bought items, some child somewhere will appreciate it more than you know. There are drop off locations all over the country that are open between the 12th and 19th of this month to collect the boxes. Please visit the Operation Christmas Child Website for more information about filling your boxes, drop off locations and more. Send Christmas to a child this year. You'll be glad you did. :)
P.S. I'm not affiliated with Operation Christmas Child, and am not being paid in any way. This is purely me sharing something with you that's been on my heart.
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